Much appreciated, thank you. Someone just recommended the channel to me, but just skimming over the website and list of his videos, along with the name, made me search for more information on them.

I tend to be skeptical of anything that claims to show the unvarnished and unedited truth.

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Glad to be of help. I used to follow that channel quite regularly and although I never fully agreed with everything he said, I did agree with much of his criticism of modern "churchianity." So, I allowed some grace because, if we're going to be honest with ourselves, we all see through a glass darkly. But in the last year or so, he really took a turn down a dark path IMHO and his rantings became more and more like that of a cult guru telling his followers what they must or must not believe, or else. In particular, I find his teachings on who is, as well as who isn't, "true Israel" quite disturbing, and the final straw was his wholesale repudiation of Christianity. Listen at your own peril!

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If the blacks are the jews then who was hitler exterminating?

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"He" (Hitler) was probably just having a bad day and there weren't enough Gypsies, Homosexuals and mentally challenged folks, who were, you know, inbred like he was, to keep all of the ovens at his concentration camps going 24/7 so I guess he decided to throw a couple of Hymies, Kikes, & Heebs, in the fire just to help keep the coals glowing and everyone warm.

Sorry for the rude, crude and socially unacceptable reply to your comment but, the mental gymnastics needed to accuse the Jews of hijacking your identity while your in the process of hijacking theirs is jaw dropping to say the least! This "Truthunedited" Guy should probably run for office!

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Instructive! Thank you.

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People that were Jewish not jews. There is a huge difference. Wanna know more Truth kit with mbr Ministries mbrministries@gmail.com

Visit us on most social media platforms. Many r Deceived and will not actually cannot accept the Truth. Email me personally at mbrministries@gmail.com

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