As the end times near, the scriptures say that false Christs and false prophets will appear. These are people who are wolves in sheep's clothing who will try, as if it were possible, to deceive even true followers of the way, a.k.a. “the elect.” If my understanding of the times that I believe we are in is correct, that time is coming soon and may already be here. And if that is true, what can we as believers do so as to not be deceived? What can we do to prepare for this time that is, IMHO, coming rather quickly.
There's an awful lot of people out there who don't believe in the Bible and so if they don't believe the Bible's true, they're not going to believe that Yeshua, Jesus, is the only way to God. But many people, whether they are willing to admit it or not, do believe in God and they see what’s happening as proof that things just aren’t what they ought to be. But these people aren’t particularly religious per se and so they can fall for the slightest deception that bears any resemblance to the truth as they see it just like the non-believers do. Then there are the people who believe and know a thing or two and they think they have found some great truth that will unlock everything for them. When these people are deceived, it’s near impossible to awaken them to their error.
I think that some of this stems from our fallen human nature where we are looking for some great leader, these days usually political, who will fix everything for us. This being an election year in the US, I feel as though many are abandoning the ekklesia for the official religion of the land of the deceived and home of the depraved, a.k.a., politics. But even those who aren’t being swept up into the morass of the political season, far too many professing Christian’s are looking at their pastor to lead them. And many pastors, taken in by the trappings of their position have gotten caught up into their new found fame and have sought to build up their own ministry with themselves at the head, often at the cost of building up the saints of Christ’s true ekklesia!
Along that same line of thinking are the various religions and cults who are awaiting the arrival of some great leader. For example, the Jews are looking for Elijah to return as a forerunner to the promised Messiah. Similarly, Muslims are looking for the Mahdi and his prophet. Many eastern religions are looking for the Maitreya, a Buddha like figure who will teach us all things and usher in an age of enlightenment. Even in Christianity, we are looking for the return of our Messiah who will this time come as the King. Not all of them are correct!
But even those that are not looking for some Messianic type figure are still looking for some sort of “anointed one” to lead them. This is the case with many of these various cult movements where the leader claims to possess some special knowledge or holds some sort of elevated status, even if it's only just a little above everyone else, that’s enough, it doesn’t take much. By that I mean they could appear to be a very humble individual who has had some experiences that make them appear a bit more holy or just a bit closer to God than everyone else and/or they believe that they have some special knowledge that was given to them so others should follow them. This is the perfect recipe for deception because their followers often trust these individuals implicitly.
Again, I say this with some experience because I've had somewhat of a run in with a fellow who operates an internet ministry and a popular YouTube channel I followed off and on over the years that goes by the name “Truthunedited.” Now I used to really like this guys work because he, like myself, is a critic of the institutional church system, what many people call Churchianity or what author Frank Viola dubbed the Religious Industrial Complex. He’s also against many of the false man-made religious traditions that have entered into what we call Christianity today such as Easter and Christmas which are, arguably, based upon “Christianized” pagan traditions.
Now his teachings were not always perfect. I often found a thing or two here or something over there that wasn’t always 100% spot on and it was obvious that he wasn’t trained in exegesis, hermeneutics and all the other things typically associated with having gone to a seminary or bible college and that really didn’t bother me. First, because I like to keep an open mind and because I know that I don’t know everything. We see through a glass darkly. Secondly, I believe in the priesthood of all believers and so I don’t believe that one has to be trained and/or ordained by “the system” in order to serve. Like the old saying goes, “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called!” The fact of the matter is, sometimes, the more training one has, the more off the mark they might be. An education is helpful but it is no guarantee of success or of even being right. I mean, the thousands of “Woke” seminary and/or bible college trained minister’s leading everyone astray today can’t all be wrong, can they?
Also, his tone in virtually all of his videos was always a bit on the resentful side. For a long time, I just assumed his “Angry Black Man” routine was just part of his schtick for his target audience. But over time, it became clear that he was harboring some sort of resentment. I was also a bit worried about his antisemitic remarks too. For the longest time, I was willing to overlook these things because of all the other times that I was in agreement with what he was teaching at the time. But then, just a few weeks ago, he started a series on his channel he entitled “We Are Not Black People” where he openly claimed that the Jewish people living in Israel today were all imposters and that the true Israelites were all “brown peoples” from Africa.
Now to be fair, he didn’t just pull his theory out of his butt. He obviously learned this from someone else and it struck a chord with him, It was a chord so deep that he felt compelled to do a series of teachings on it. Right from the get-go I felt that his thesis was wrong but to be fair, I let him make his case. And, to be fair, he presented a lot of evidence to support his thesis but, working in academia as I do, I can tell you without reservation that he vetted none of his sources regarding their reliability. I did! And I found more than a few problems with them. You see, there’s an awful lot of garbage out there, particularly in the area of history and sociology that is totally subjective and consequentially, reeks with bias.
Secondly, I can most assuredly tell you that he never once, for a moment, took into serious consideration any information that questioned or refuted his theory. Had he made a serious effort to vet his sources for accuracy and reliability or investigated any evidence that cast doubt upon his thesis, I seriously doubt any sane person ever would have made the claims that he did. I mean, Just the DNA evidence alone should have been more than enough to convince anyone that what he was preaching was a lie. I provided links casting doubt on his thesis in a previous post (HERE).
Thirdly and finally, if he would have presented his thesis as just a theory instead of claiming that it was an undeniable truth like he did, I, and no doubt many others, would have been far more willing to listen to him make his case. But it seems clear that he holds deep animus toward white people and especially, the Jews currently living in Israel. The evidence he presents in an effort to disown them of their heritage and birthright is just as spurious as the evidence he presents to claim that he and “his people” are the true Jews.
Ultimately, it would appear as though this gentleman doesn’t quite understand the difference between the “learned opinion” of an antisemitic academic with an axe to grind and an indisputable scientific fact. Just because someone has an advance degree doesn’t mean they’re incapable of error or being human. Furthermore, he doesn’t seem to know the difference between real and junk science let alone an opinion and the truth and as a result, he has no business naming his ministry Truth-Unedited!
Unfortunately, you can’t force anyone NOT to believe what they want to believe, let alone believe what they refuse to believe.
Pray for them that their eyes may be opened to the deception they’re in danger of falling in to.
Much appreciated, thank you. Someone just recommended the channel to me, but just skimming over the website and list of his videos, along with the name, made me search for more information on them.
I tend to be skeptical of anything that claims to show the unvarnished and unedited truth.
If the blacks are the jews then who was hitler exterminating?