I received an email this morning from a fellow I met on Socialist Media a few years back who happens to be a retired Missionary. He shared with me, and I believe a few of his close contacts, a dream that puzzled him and was wondering if any of us might see something from it that he didn’t. I’ll scrub the names from his text so as to “Protect the Innocent” here and post both his message and my reply.
His email:
December 29, 2024
Early this morning, I had a dream. I do not know if it has any spiritual significance, or if it is from the Holy Spirit, so I am just putting this out there for any possible responses…
I had arrived at the airport in a large city in Nigeria – possibly Lagos.
I did not have a particular destination in the city, and I just began walking.
I had walked 17 city blocks with a suitcase and some written materials in hand.
I wanted to find something like a paper or plastic bag to carry the written materials.
I entered a hotel lobby, and there I met an American couple who were also missionaries.
They happened to have a bag which I could use to carry the written materials.
I was about to ask what their mission was in Nigeria, when the dream ended.
for the Cause of Christ,
Your Friend
My Reply:
My Friend,
Interesting dream. IDK if this is going to be helpful at all but, if you would have had this dream a year or so ago, given the situation with our world today, I might have interpreted it this way.
1. The CIA is often referred to by our military folks as the "Christians In Action" because they're always on a mission somewhere and messing around in other people's business where they probably shouldn't be messing around, hence the "Missionary" connection. I also watched all of the old bond films and spies always stay at hotels and use them as their base of operations wherever their "mission" takes them.
2. It's interesting that your dream is located in Nigeria! That is a very oil and resource rich country with a very corrupt government, just like Ukraine. And just like Ukraine, our government, the Russians, the Chinese and the globalist oligarchs who own all of them are busy raping it blind of whatever material wealth it may still have.
3. You're a man carrying unspecified "written materials," documents (possibly containing classified information), maybe contracts, stocks and bonds, deeds, a treaty etc. But, unlike someone doing spy stuff, in your dream you're looking for a bag to carry them for what would seem to be convenience instead of as a means to stealthily spirit them away and out of the country. So, instead of a spy, I guess that could make you "the Bag Man" in this one.
4. That last point about being a "Bag Man" brings me to this, my final point. There's nothing in your dream or vision regarding drugs and/or sex so, you're probably NOT Hunter Biden in this one. But, then again, you said your dream stopped there so I guess we'll never know. But at a minimum, I'd say you're probably a US government employee, possibly a ranking member of the Biden maladministration or perhaps even an actual member of the Biden Crime Family scoring one last big deal for "The Big Guy" before old Joe slips on that banana peel again and is out the door...
I know this is probably NOT helpful, but then again, you should have known better than to send it to me for my thoughts on the matter.
Hopefully, you'll at least get a chuckle out of it. The way things are going, we need a little levity now and again whenever we can get it or wherever we can find it.
Happy New Year!
Sojourner in Exile