I can only imagine that for anyone who doesn't know where they came from, for example, the lack of identity that many descendants of former African slaves must feel, creates a giant hole in their lives that feels like a bottomless pit that can never be filled. Now, it’s important to know that people have the capacity to endure great pain and suffering but, they want all of it to have meant something. They want it to have mattered. That it mattered is what makes it endurable.
“Pain make man think, thought makes man wise and wisdom make life endurable.”
~ Sekini San from the play and movie: Tea House of the August Moon
Unfortunately, there's nothing in the secular world that can tell someone that their suffering means something apart from the pain itself. That's why most secularists are also socialists in addition to being atheists. As they see everything through their cultural Marxist lens of envy and thus, their pain has no real meaning. Pain is simply either a byproduct of some intrinsic material inequality or an intentional affliction imposed upon them by others. But, it has no greater meaning than that. Adding insult to injury, it seems that their only answer to pain and suffering is to spread it out equally among everyone rather than to try and do something to actually relieve it
So, what does knowing this information teach us about this “theory” (NOT A FACT) that is being taught as an undeniable truth by the website TruthUnedited? Their theory states that the people we know as Jews currently living in the State of Israel today are not really Jews. They’re impostors who have hijacked the identity of others. Whose identity have they stolen you ask? Well, it’s the identity of the previously mentioned descendants of former slaves from west Africa. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, they’re NOT black and even though their theory is all about their race, to say that this idea is racist, is in fact, racist!
We Are NOT Black People - The Docu-series - Truthunedited
I would argue that as it pertains to the scriptures, their theory is built entirely upon eisegesis” (reading into the scriptures) what they want them to say instead of using sound “exegesis,” reading the scriptures for what they actually say. Next, that body of selected evidence has been laid upon the rotting framework of third generation secular scholarship built by fourth rate scholars that were never vetted nor questioned. Arguably, TruthUnedited’s Hebrew Israelite “Lite” version of the Black Hebrew Israelite (BHI) movement is a lot like Lite Beer from Miller, a third less racist as the regular BHI, but just as heretical?
Knowing how people react to pain and suffering teaches us is that people are suffering! It teaches us that some of the people who are suffering don’t know they’re suffering. It teaches us that people who do know that they are suffering are looking for meaning to their pain and suffering. It also teaches us that some people in their quest to find meaning to their pain and suffering will come up with some of the most cockamamie excuses for their pain and suffering and then cling to it as though it were the very gospel itself!
Moreover, it teaches us that unlike secularism, religion can and does give significant meaning to pain and suffering. Some might argue, that's the whole story of the bible. In the old testament, it's the story of the Israelites and then the Jews. They're either constantly going through struggles or, if they disobey God's laws, He removes his protection from them and allows them to suffer. In that context, the whole point of the suffering is for them to repent of their wicked ways and to become better people than they were before.
The same thing can be said of the new testament with the death, burial and resurrection of the Messiah. The whole purpose of His suffering on the cross was for something greater! There is a deeper meaning behind it all. As it pertains to those without identity who want to believe there is more to their existence than just the pain and suffering they are experiencing, I find it totally understandable that they are naturally going to identify, in one way or another, with God's chosen people.
But here’s the problem: WANTING TO BE God’s Chosen People, in this case being from one or more of the twelve “lost” tribes of Israel, DOESN’T MEAN YOU ARE from one of the twelve tribes of Israel! Believing something is what it isn’t is no different than what we see in the secular world today where a person believes so strongly that they were born in the wrong body with the wrong gender that they will go so far as to mutilate the body that God gave them. Then they’ll blame others for not accepting them as they are when they’re the ones who couldn’t accept themselves as they were in the first place.
TruthUnedited has produced a series of videos that make a claim. But that claim doesn’t make it the truth! The “opinions” of theologians and scholars are not synonyms for “facts.” This teaching is based upon select scriptures that support a predetermined narrative. Further, the so-called “scholarly” evidence presented throughout this series is blatantly one sided. His sources have NOT been vetted for their veracity and apart from a few straw man arguments, no scholarly evidence to refute the claims have been offered for further examination. In short, this is shoddy scholarship built upon shoddy scholarship that’s being passed for knowledge. It is a house that has been built upon sand.
That being said, not everything that has been said about this matter is a bald-faced lie and to be fair, though I may be wrong, I don’t believe that gentleman running TruthUnedited is deliberately trying to deceive others. I think he truly believes what he is saying is the absolute truth. Had he simply presented this as a theory and not an undeniable truth, I doubt I would be pushing back so hard on this as I am. Teaching something that is clearly NOT settled as something that is, is not something that someone proclaiming to be a representative of The Most High and telling the truth should be doing.
Fact: the second exodus that he repeatedly speaks of IS going to happen as prophesied! But, the problem here is, it is a moot point as it probably doesn’t apply to any of the people this teaching is aimed at. God will restore Israel in the last days. That is a fact. He will make those dry bones that Ezekiel saw live again. But, “Brother Ron” (the Truthunedited dude) is stepping out way beyond his pay grade by trying to make what he believes to be the truth happen by his own strength. I would argue that he is just as self deceived about this matter as those gender confused folks are being deceived about human biology and gender being a social construct. In the process, he is unwittingly deceiving a lot of people. My advice to him is to Remember Jeremiah 17:9, humble yourself and REPENT.
Arguably, this “theory” being taught by TruthUnedited as though it were an undeniable truth about who is true “Yasharel” (Israel) is nothing more than shallow therapeutic self-centered wannabe-ism aimed at people who have suffered and want to believe that all their pain has been for a good reason. This is essentially nothing more than a belief where the teacher says “look at this shiny object over here, you are more than just the ancestors of West African Slaves and you must believe what I teach.” You must “believe” (absence of the word “think” deliberate) that you are the true Israelites and all those people living in the land of Israel today are pretenders who have hijacked our faith and identity. That’s envy. That’s Marxist Revolutionary 101 teaching if I ever heard it.
But, it's not the narrow way of the Cross. It's not the die to yourself, take up your cross daily and be ready to suffer for the sake of the kingdom call! It’s a deception!
My Two ¥en worth. . .
Interesting connections, good insight, well-read background - a writer worth reading.