Many today are convinced that the next big thing on the prophetic calendar to watch for, if that’s even possible, is for the rapture, or catching away, of the church up to heaven prior to the seven year “Great Tribulation!” But is that really so? I know that most Christian’s believe this to be the case, but I have my doubts.
In the book of Revelation, the revelation of “Jesus Christ” (Yeshua Hamashiach) given to the Apostle John on the isle of Patmos, we are given a series of signs, presented as a series of seals, trumpets and bowls, that we should be on the watch for. Granted, the language is such that it does make it difficult to discern exactly what will take place and when but, I believe that as they unfold before our eyes, or shortly thereafter in most cases, it will become clear to those of us who are awake and watching for Yeshua’s promised return.
Let's review The Seven Seals, seven trumpets and Seven bowls of Revelation and I’ll take the liberty to add a little commentary, the way I see it going down, for context purposes.
-The first seal Revelation 6:1-2, this is the White Horse. Most scholars believe this is the antichrist or antichrist spirit that comes promising peace, but is bent on global conquest, not through force but through deception. Though we can’t know for certain but, given the way organizations such as the UN, the World Health Organization and World Economic Forum are causing things to happen at the supranational level behind the scenes, it’s quite possible that this seal has been opened and these organizations mentioned are, collectively, Mystery Babylon the Great, the “harlot queen” (illegitimate government) that fornicates with all the rulers of the world.
-The second seal Revelation 6:3-4, this is the Red Horse. It brings conflict, death and takes peace away from the earth. While there are many conflicts in the world as I write this, the nation to be on the look out for is Iran (ancient Persia) as many scholars believe that once this nation begins waging open war with Israel, that could be the sign that this seal is opened. Key point: All prophecy centers on Israel, NOT the US. That’s right America, it’s really NOT all about you after all.
-The third seal Revelation 6:5-6, this is the Black Horse that beings scarcity on earth. Food will not be easy to come by, look for hyperinflation on a global scale where it will take “a days wages” to buy a loaf of bread.
The war between Russia and Ukraine has put a severe strain on the world’s wheat supply. Conflict in Yemen is disrupting shipping through the Suez Canal and we all know that the Bat Stew Flu “Planned-demic” really messed up both national and global shipping. With Bill “I’ll get my Richest Man in The World title back even if it has to be over everyone’s dead bodies” Gates and his Big Pharma Oligarch buddies planning another virus outbreak with mandatory mRNA vaccines to cure everything from Aids to Zits that you will be mandated to take, just so you can step outside your door in a mask already in the pipeline, things could get a little weird.
-The fourth seal Revelation 6:7-8, this is the Pale Horse that brings widespread death upon earth. A quarter of the world’s population, about 2 billion people, will perish. This could be the end result of the previous seal as conflict spreads around the globe. Also, thanks to a Japanese invention, “Just In Time Supply,” most stores around the globe have at most a three day supply on their shelves. With global shipping disrupted through global conflicts and most people’s immune systems damaged as a result of global vaccinations, it won’t take a whole lot for people to die from war, starvation and disease by the hundreds of millions. Adding insult to injury, if the Fifth Generation Warfare presently being waged between the US and Russia were to suddenly turn hot, a couple of EMP nukes detonated over North America and Western Europe could kill a half billion people very easily.
-The fifth seal Revelation 6:9-11 is where we see the cry of the martyred souls who have been slain for the word of God and their testimony. They are impatient for Yehovah to avenge their blood and judge the inhabitants of the world. No doubt that the Oligarch class who is orchestrating a lot of this nonsense from behind the scenes will look for someone to scapegoat for all the trouble they caused. Guess who will be Number One on the hit parade? If you said Christians, go to the head of the class. And we can see this sort of persecution ramping up already through the LBGTQ, I before E except after C, why, I don’t know, he’s on third Nazi’s pushing their perverse agenda on everyone and attacking without mercy any and all who complain.
-The six seal Revelation 6: 12-17 brings what some think are cosmic disturbances. For example the Bible describes a great earthquake and stars from Heaven fall to the Earth. The Great Men of the earth go underground and beneath Cheyenne mountain to hide in their bunkers. Me, I think this is evidence of what could be a limited Thermonuclear War! After all, what is a nuclear device but a star encased in a heavy metal container? When those things go boom, everything shakes and it will feel like an earthquake. Hint. it won’t be just the politicians and generals hiding in their bunkers. The “Great Men” like Mark Zuckerberg will be hiding in his multimillion dollar underground compound on Maui. Too bad the dumb ba$†ard didn’t realize that Maui is ground zero for multiple nuke strikes as that is where US PACOM Intelligence Headquarters (Edward Snowden anyone) is located. I guess he, Oprah and the rest of the oligarchs building bunkers in paradise burned all those poor Hawaiians out of their homes so they could buy up all the land on the cheap for nothing.
Note: Many Post-Trib/Pre-Wrath proponents believe the opening of the Sixth Seal is where the Rapture of the Church occurs. Here is where those who have been sealed by God are taken up to be forever with the Lord and meet him in the clouds. A major difference between this theory and the Pre-Trib Rapture proponents is that immediately following that meeting, we don’t go up to heaven to watch the rest of this s#!†show from the mezzanine section in the hear after. Instead, like they did in times of old, when the people of the city came out to greet their King upon his return, we will instead follow Yeshua on down to the earth. His 1000 year millennial reign is about to begin. We just gotta help clean up the place and make it ready first.
-The seventh seal Revelation 8:1 is silence in heaven at the beginning of the trumpet judgments. If you think what’s transpired so far is bad enough, you ain’t seen nothing yet. The Brimstone is about to hit the fan and the inhabitants of the heavenly realm know it. They are in awe and silenced because of it!
Note: While the time in-between the seals being opened may have taken months, or even years, and that may even extend beyond the seven year “Great Tribulation” period, I believe that at a minimum, the time intervals between the trumpet judgements and the bowls of God’s wrath that follow, with the exception of the 5th trumpet, will happen rather quickly in comparison to the opening of the seals. Further, some prophecy watchers see similarities in some of the “happenings” (Seals, Trumpets & Bowls) that occur and have concluded that some events may happen concurrently instead of sequentially. I don’t necessarily agree with that, but for now, we’ll just have to wait and see.
-The first trumpet Revelation 8:6-7 hail and fire mingled with blood. A third of the earth is burned up and all green grass burned up. What started as a limited thermonuclear war between Russia and “NATO” (the US) heats up but, the conflagration isn’t global, at least not yet. It could be that most of North America and Europe, including parts of Russia that extend into Asia, make up about a third of the earth’s landmass are destroyed. Most of Asia, Africa and the Southern Hemisphere seem to be spared, at least for now.
-The second trumpet Revelation 8:8-9 something like a great Mountain burning with Fire is cast into the sea a third of the sea becomes blood, a third of the living creatures of the sea die and a third of the ships are destroyed. Have you ever seen video of a hydrogen bomb detonated at sea (LINK)? This could be describing a great thermonuclear naval battle as the US and Russian Navy’s are destroyed. No doubt that a lot of commercial shipping is sent to the bottom as well.
-The third trumpet Revelation chapter 8:10-11 Wormwood, a great star from Heaven burning like a torch, falls upon a third of the rivers and springs of water a third of the waters are made bitter and a third of the men die from the waters. Interesting to note that the word “Wormwood” in the Ukrainian language is “Chernobyl.” We’ve already made the argument that a nuclear bomb is a “star in a can” so to speak.
But theres something else to consider. Nuclear power generating stations need water to generate steam to make electricity and to cool the reactors, lots of water. Where does their water come from? Look at where nuclear plants are located. They are all located near large bodies of water, the ocean, lakes and great rivers. The latter two is the same place most of the world gets it’s drinking water from. If there is no power and no one to control them and they can’t get fuel to operate their back up generators so they can keep them cool so they wont melt down, many if not most, of the world’s nuclear power plants could go “Fukushima” on us. Coincidence???
-The fourth trumpet Revelation 8:12, a third of the sun moon and stars are struck and darkened so a third of the day and night wouldn't shine. Time to celebrate Nuclear Winter’s Eve everybody. I wonder what “inSanity Klaus” (World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab) and his “Head Elf” (Yuval Noah Harari) are getting us this year???
Note: Up to the fourth trumpet judgement, most of the events recorded by the Apostle John could be explained naturally as a result of modern technology, something John couldn’t explain in his day. Not so from the Fifth Trumpet going forward. Granted, I could be wrong but, even using modern technology as a “go-by,” I can’t explain much of what happens from here on out in natural terms. And granted, I could be wrong regarding my thoughts on the seals and the first four trumpet judgement’s but, I do believe that there is a natural way to explain those events as recorded. From here on forward, most of what is recorded appears to be supernatural in origin.
-The fifth trumpet Revelation 9:1-12 the First Woe, locusts like horses prepare for battle, a star from heaven was given the key to the bottomless pit and it was opened. Locust like creatures will come up from the pit and sting men who don't have the Seal of the Living God on their foreheads. This will go on for 5 months.
-The sixth trumpet Revelation 9:13-21 the Second Woe, Four Angels bound at the Euphrates River are released to kill a third of mankind. The global population went from just over 8 billion down to 6 billion with the opening of the Fourth Seal. Now it’s about to drop another 2 billion.
-The seventh trumpet Revelation 11:15-19 the Third Woe the temple of God in heaven is opened and there are flashes of lightning feels of thunder and a great hail storm. The bowl’s of God’s wrath are about to be poured out on the six or so billion souls that remain on the planet.
Note: the plagues from the bowls of wrath mirror the plagues on Egypt from Exodus.
-The first bowl Revelation 16:2 horrible sores on the ones that have the mark of the beast and worship His Image. Some think that this is related to people being chipped like pets and livestock. They suppose that the micro-batteries leak and infect the wearers afflicting them with horrible sores. I tend to lean toward the Islamic Antichrist theory and think that the mark of the beast is the Islamic “Shahada” (declaration of faith) worn as bands by Jihadists on their foreheads and right arms.
-The second bowl Revelation16:3 the sea became blood like that of a dead man and every living thing in the sea died. Previously only a third of the sea became blood and only a third of the living creatures in the sea died. Now the death and destruction is total.
-The third Bowl Revelation 16:4 the rivers and the Springs of water became blood. Previously, only a third of the fresh potable water was made undrinkable. Now none of it is! Please refer to my commentary on Third Trumpet Judgement from above.
-The fourth Bowl Revelation 16:8-9 the sun was given the power to Scorch men with fire. The atmosphere destroyed by man’s arrogance no longer protects us from the sun.
-The fifth bowl Revelation 16:10-11 the Antichrist Kingdom becomes darkened and the people gnaw their tongues because of their pain.
-The sixth bowl Revelation 16:12-14 the Euphrates River dries up so that the way could be prepared for the kings of the East, unclean spirits like frogs come out of the Dragon beast and false prophet to perform signs to gather the kings of the world for the war of the great day of God Almighty. It appears that Atheist China survived the war between Russia and NATO (the US) and not realizing that it is a lose-lose situation, marches west to take on the Islamic Caliphate (the antichrist) in a winner take all battle for what’s left of the world.
-The seventh bowl Revelation 16:17-21 the voice out of the temple said it is done lightning thunder a great earthquake the city is split into three parts Hailstone comes down on men who blaspheme God.
Summary & Closing:
These are the Seven Seals, the seven trumpet judgements and the seven bowl’s of wrath that make up the Great Tribulation of the end times and the wrath of Yehovah. Admittedly, I may be wrong with some of my suppositions, even so, I think this is the understanding you must have when you start living with the end in mind. When you start seeing things in the news, when you start seeing agendas and narratives that the global media are pushing, you’ll begin to see and understand it all a little better. Most importantly, you don’t want to be on the wrong side of it.
The devil's wrath is awful. He is a powerful spiritual being and adversary who has killed, deceived, plotted and done the most heinous of acts in order to further his agenda. His agenda? He wants to be worshipped like the most high. But, even on his best day he cannot compare to Yehovah, “The Most High,” and it is His wrath that we do not want to become the brunt of.
Yehovah has given us many chances to surrender to him, to see the error in our ways and come back to him. His gift of grace is available to all all. This is a free gift and I plead with you to accept it fully. Don't live with one foot in this world and try to put the other in the heavenlies. Yehovah does not accept that. It’s time to wake up and realize that we are literally living in the time where Bible prophecy is jumping off the pages and telling us what we ought to be preparing for. Are you listening? Are you ready?
Yehovah’s wrath is coming and you shouldn’t think for a moment that you can escape it. The only escape is to choose Yeshua and submit to Him, the prophet Moses told us would come and who we must both hear and obey. The question is, what is your decision who and what are you living for?
It's time to repent and follow our master and savior as he is the only way of redemption and escaping God’s wrath. For Elohim did not appoint us to wrath but to obtain salvation through the master Yeshua, the Messiah, who died for us that whether we remain awake until his return or sleep, we should live together with him forever. That's 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10. Please make the decision today to serve him before it's too late. Time is short, don’t delay.