The Right Reverend Al-Gore from the Church of the Holy Carbon Credit in his magnum opus "The Apocalypse of Al" a.k.a. "A Convenient Lie" that he deceptively mislabelled and marketed his climate snake oil under the title "An Inconvenient Truth" warned us about the climate Armageddon "allegedly" coming our way some 20 or 30 so years ago. And he, being the magnanimous (all-knowing and all-feeling) shepherd of the sheep to be shorn that he is, offered us absolution from our sins if only we would just buy indulgences in the form of "carbon credits" from the "sham companies" (Al Gore Ministries) he had a significant financial stake in. As is typical with all these Elmer Gantry wannabe's out there promising salvation, for a small fee of course, the climate catastrophe he "profitized" (a play on the words "profited" and "prophesied") never came.
Well, just like a dog returning to his vomit, he's back again with the same old scam! No doubt all the True Believers in the climate cult are all publicly masturbating their brains out with glee over the possibility of being able to just touch the hem of his Armani suit or sniff the fumes of his private jet if or when he brings his current incarnation of his climate crusade to their town. The question now, as it always has been is will the "profits" (spelled that way on purpose), pastors and bishops of the faith a.k.a. "the mainstream media" be able to "convince" (fool) enough of the sheeple this time around to damn all of humanity to living in the squalor of a 15th century Neo-feudalistic existence, think hell-hole, where the sheep will own nothing and be happy just to be alive and "eat ze bugs" or else?
I know there are those of you in the readership who might argue otherwise, but one of the problems in a secular society, like I would argue that America is, is this; that whether one want’s to believe it or not, people are naturally spiritual or “religious” if you will. If there is no (little g or big G) God that is the object of worship and source of society’s morality, people will make one of their own. For the climate freaks destroying works of art and gluing themselves to various and sundry places for, Gaia, mother earth, their little “g” god is an act of worship.
So what’s a believer in the true and living God supposed to do? Well, if you haven’t already guessed by the tone of this little essay, mockery is definitely within the realm of possibility. And for those of you who will argue that it just isn’t the “Christian” thing to do, might I remind you of the prophet Elijah and his duel with the prophets of Baal when he told them that maybe they needed to yell louder because Baal might be busy taking a dump. For those of you who might argue that it isn’t a very loving thing to do, ask yourselves this, is it more loving to shock someone into reality using mockery to destroy the fallacy of their beliefs or to just let them go their merry way straight to hell? Finally, you can take it to the bank that those who oppose you, and God, will have no trouble mocking the true and living God. So why should you be so opposed to mocking their false gods.