Is Christmas PAGAN or HOLY? This video by Nelson Walters provides some analysis that the History Channel won't tell you.
Every year debates on this subject get more and more heated. So much so that even sold-out-to-Jesus professing Christians are starting to wonder aloud to themselves if they should or should not be celebrating Christmas and/or Easter. From my own perspective, I’ve been exploring the Hebrew Roots movement lately and I’ve come to my own conclusions on the matter. In general, I am of the mind that we have freedom in Christ and that beyond the power of persuasion, no one should attempt to or try to compel another as to what they can or even should do or not do. If you have no problems with it, fine, if you do, that’s fine too. I believe that each individual is responsible for their own actions and we will all individually answer for them on Judgement day so choose wisely.
I also thought that Nelson came up with some good examples in his video. Clearly, many of our Christian Traditions regarding both Christmas and Easter have pagan roots. That is undeniable! But are the actual holidays themselves evil? That is the question that nelson tackles in his video. Now, maybe I missed it but, IMHO, I think he kind of danced around the two most important and or most frequent reasons given why some folks have their panties in a twist over this and why we should be “careful” on this matter.
The first argument that I think he danced around and missed is about NOT adding or subtracting to God’s Torah, found in (Deuteronomy 4:2). I’m not alone in this but, many think that the main reason why Jesus, or Yeshua if you prefer, had a problem with the Pharisees at his first coming wasn’t in regard to the Torah itself. Rather, it was a result of all the new Rabbinical traditions they added to the Torah over the centuries and then gave them the same weightiness as the Law!
Secondly and perhaps most importantly, there is the admonition not to worship the Lord in the way the pagan’s do. That one is found in (Deuteronomy 12:4). Most of those who are against these “practices” see Christmas trees, Yule logs, Christmas caroling, Kissing under the mistletoe, Decking the halls, hanging Holly (the plant, not the neighbor lady Lol) etc. as having their origin in pagan religions and practices and if we’re going to be obedient to the scriptures, we shouldn’t practice them and then think or claim that we’re doing it to honor God. IMHO, this is the main reason why they are so vehemently against them.
Also, don’t forget that once upon a time in a mythical land of the free and home of the brave that has been fundamentally transformed into the land of the deceived and home of the depraved, Christmas celebrations were illegal in America and likely for the same reasons why folks are so against it today!
I suppose you can argue that these commands (Deuteronomy 4:2 & 12:4) are specific to Israel, but then that begs the question, who is Israel? Is it just the natural branches or does it include those who have been grafted in too? IMHO, the folks who are adamantly against incorporating pagan worship practices into Christmas, and if we’re honest there are many, as well as all the other so-called “Christian” celebrations or practices are really just concerned about adding or subtracting from “God's” (Yehovah’s) Instructions or "Torah" as well as not incorporating pagan practices into our worship of the Most High!
Whatever answer a person comes up with regarding this matter, that is what they should do. Telling others what they think is one thing. Compelling them to comply with what they think is another.
My Two-¥en worth