"Satan is using the democrats to take over America!"
That is the message of many a conservative Christian diatribe about how demonic the Democratic and leftist agenda is.
Now I have no doubt that the political left IS under the tutelage of Satan. And, while I do not personally really like Donald J Dumpsterfire’s constant exaggeration and behavior, I do understand why people tend to vote Republican. It’s not so much for the person of Donald Trump, but for the traditional policies that are enshrined in what he so aggressively proclaims that he stands for.
Anyone who has studied world history in any depth ought to realize that the most dangerous and destructive people in human history have been the ones who think that fallen people like themselves can alter human nature and societies in such as way as to bring about some "utopia" or a reasonable facsimile thereof!" As fallen in nature as the American "founding fathers" were, at least they had a realistic view of that human nature and tried to create a system that would work for human nature AS IT IS, requiring all kinds of "checks and balances" that would minimize the effects of corrupted nature's tendencies.
Also, I thinks that most "Bible-believing" Christians will also be voting Republican (right along with all those secular, atheistic, and nasty conservative Americans!) Personally, I hope they win over the Democrats, among whom are included some very idealistic and genuinely compassionate people, many or most of whom are also as naive as they are idealistic!
But, I also believe that most "Conservative Christians" are likewise clearly deceived about the intelligence, the careful planning, and the immensity of the abilities of that (little g) "god" and "ruler" of this World system, of which the U.S. is but one part.
For example, one of the leaders of the Young-Earth Biblical Creationist movement is a man named Jonathan Sarfati. He is so brilliant that he played twelve chess matches with other players at the SAME time and won all of them. He was also BLINDFOLDED while he played them! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Sarfati
Now, if a mortal human can so brilliantly remember the specific moves and strategies of twelve other very bright humans while playing the most complicated game I have ever known - and even do it BLINDFOLDED, because he can memorize twelve ever changing pieces on each board! - If HE can do that then just how brilliant do you suppose the angelic (but evil) ruler over this whole WORLD is?!??!? (That is obviously a rhetorical question!).
JESUS may well have defeated him, but he is NOT in Hell as so many believe. He is still a fully-functioning ruler of the people of planet Earth who are not true followers of Jesus, that "narrow" and "difficult" way, that "FEW people find" (Matthew 7:14). And those whom he cannot overtly rule, he works very cunningly (and often successfully) to deceive!
If one MAN can plan twelve very different strategies against twelve very bright human opponents and cause those twelve different strategies to ALL lead to the same conclusion - HIS victory - then do you not realize the much greater capacity of the god of this world is in the much more complicated game called Politics?
In the United States, Satan has a “Conservative" chess game going on, a "Progressive/Liberal" game, a “Libertarian” game, a “Communist” game and who knows HOW many others.
Can you not realize that, just like the Christian man Jonathan Sarfati could cause each of his twelve games to lead to but one conclusion - HIS victory - can you not understand that no matter WHICH game you might get drawn into playing that YOU (and your fellow players) are going to lose against a being with Satan’s intellect?
The prophecies of God's Spirit-inspired prophets WILL be fulfilled, no matter WHICH human "match" or "game" seems to be currently winning at any given time!
An obedient follower of Jesus has the LIBERTY to exercise their particular society's right to vote. But if you do choose to exercise that right, you must not be deceived into thinking that the secular team of leaders you are voting for is somehow NOT playing the pieces that will nevertheless lead to Satan's brief victory at the end, no matter WHAT the human goal may be!
Even the secular people who HATE the "globalists" are going to welcome his day - after things have been arranged to make his "antichrist" champion's leadership seem to be the only path to survival (read Revelation 13!). Satan WILL have his prophetically described day of victory. He does get to "win" - in the same brief and paradoxical way that he won two thousand years ago.
Now think about this. The same devious and complicated "chess match" that is going on within the United States is going on within EACH country on planet Earth! No mater where you are and no matter which side you might hope to be the winner, you are playing against someone so VERY much more brilliant than Jonathan Sarfati that the outcome is certain: SATAN WINS AT THE END!
But, fortunately for those who have thrown in their lot with their temporarily and supposedly crushed Champion, Satan only wins in our future in the same way that he did against our Champion two thousand years ago:
Satan had marshaled together all of the secular and religious powers under his "spirit-inspired" control who, in turn, then bullied all of his godly opponents into powerlessness, and was able to murderously crush HIS and their own Creator and Messiah - Jesus, the great Son of God!
"That huge dragon – the ancient serpent, the one called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world" (Revelation 1:9) must have been quite happy with himself! But we need to remember that his "victory party" only lasted for THREE DAYS! For then occurred the great "tragedy" (from HIS viewpoint). His divine enemy came back to life more powerful and untouchable than EVER!
And then He began to SPREAD His victory! He created a new and better temple made from living stones to replace the man made one built with quarried stone he would later, at the hands of the Roman Legions demolish. Then, with himself as the cornerstone, he commanded them to go into all the world spreading the Gospel message, making disciples and baptizing them. In the course of over two millennia, he created even more living stones with which he is continuing to build His Church.
Think of it as one of those scientific experiments you may have done in high school physics lab, where you place a teaspoon full of pure mercury on the counter top and then tap it with the teaspoon. Instead of squashing the one BIG blob of mercury, what you have done is created dozens of LITTLE blobs of mercury! That is what happened in Satan's "victory." He supposedly squashed Jesus, but a bit over a month later, each of those disheartened 120 disciples of Jesus (Acts 1:15) were filled with the same EXACT Holy Spirit that had filled Jesus at his baptism (Matthew 3:16, John 1:32). Now, poor Satan had 120 "blobs" to deal with, and along with the knowledge that he had been outwitted (1 Corinthians 2:8), came the certainty that his future doom was sealed!
(Remember that he also knows the Bible thoroughly, and probably has the Book of Revelation MEMORIZED!).
This November, many professing Christians will be voting conservative, because their instincts tell them that even if those prophesies ARE going to get fulfilled, the eager "progressive" leaders will take us down the highway to hell at 90 miles an hour, as opposed to plodding down the conservative’s “Road To Serfdom” at a less stressful 30 miles per hour.
Just remember that IF you vote, or regardless of WHO you vote for, our God requires that our "citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; who will transform our bodies as well as the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory, by the exertion of the power that He has to subject all things to Himself" (Philippians 3:20-21).
Just saying. . .
Very good message - clear perspective.
You might like to know that I am a radical leftist, have been all my life, grew up in a radical leftist household. I was taught from childhood that money, status, position, tribe, meant nothing, just as Albert Nolan describes in Jesus Before Christianity. My father was raised in an evangelical household; my mother's mother took her around to various churches and my mother chose the Lutherans because they had the best music. Our household was basically secular, which I am grateful for, because I don't think little children can comprehend adult concepts such as sin, heaven and hell, the devil, etc.
You are right that no form of government can ever be anywhere near perfect, but I see much more compassion and humanity in Russia, Hungary, Slovakia, etc, and I think some of that is due to the lack of neoliberalism, a societal concept in which we are all discrete units with no interests in common. Some is due as well to a more active religious life; the Orthodox religions do not believe in individual salvation, only community salvation. We could use some of that!