Our Vaxxine Overlord, the Right Dishonorable Reverend Bill (I’m gonna get my “Richest Man In The World” title back and I don’t care how many useless eaters have to die in the process) Gates has a plan. It involves employing a simple formula:
The goal is to get the CO 2 on the left side of that equation down to or as close to zero as possible. In his own words, in order to do that, one of the other “letters” (multipliers on the right P x S x E x E) needs to get pretty close to zero too. The “P” stands for People. That planned un-parenthood supporting “lets use vaccines to sterilize the third world” eugenicist @$$-wipe thinks there’s far too many people on the planet using up his valuable resources. Admittedly, the linked cartoon is a spoof but if we’re going to be honest about it, if there wasn’t a degree of truth to it, it wouldn’t be so funny and at the same time, so damned sad!
This is where the “S” comes in. The S stands for “Services per person.” The less people, the less services there are that will required to take care of each of them and thus said services could be redistributed to be used by people like Gates and the rest of the Oligarch class a.k.a. the new Aristocracy and what is now excess could be eliminated altogether. It’s the same old “more for me and less for thee” formula that worked for the feudal overlords of our not-to-distant past that our Bond Villain wannabe Klaus Schwab and our new overlords, a.k.a., the Neo-feudalist oligarchs at the World Economic Forum are planning for us. They call this stakeholder capitalism and they are the stakeholders. The goal is that by 2030, those of us who survive the great culling will own nothing and be happy to have just survived the culling of 7.5 billion people who occupy and waste the vital limited resources of our planet that the overlords want to keep all to themselves. In other words, they’ll own everything and be a whole lot happier!
The “E” stands for the energy required to perform said services. This is related to the “C” at the end which stands for CO 2 per unit of energy, most of which is produced by evil carbon based sources like natural gas, oil and worst of all, coal! In other words, for their plan to turn everything into electric to include our planes, trains and automobiles, doesn’t involve making our electrical grid more expansive to meet the needs of a growing population or to find clean new sources of energy that actually work, we need to use far less energy than we are now and being the eugenicist @$$ wipe that he is, he thinks we need to get that dreaded “P” down. And by down, I mean way-way down as close to zero as we can.
So what are a bunch of psychopathic eugenicists in a hurry to cull the population of the planet by 9 out of every 10 people so they can scoop up all the assets left by the dead on the cheap to do when the virus they created and released upon an unsuspecting world that even if you did nothing but treat it symptomatically had a 99.98% survival rate and people stopped taking the mRNA death shots you created and deceptively mislabelled as vaccines to kill them all for fun and profit supposed to do?
Can you say start WWIII boys and girls or whatever the hell it is you claim to self-identify as at any given moment?
Sure, I knew you could!
The good news is, you probably don’t have to worry about getting strung up and thrown in the psych ward of your nearest pre-death panel review board holding facility deceptively called a hospital.
BTW, you can’t find this video with a standard search. No doubt “Goolag” a.k.a. Google and “Goob-Toob” a.k.a. YouTube are throttling it down in the search results because it resonates with real people. See what happens when you turn down $8 Million recording contract so they can control your message? That’s why I linked Oliver Anthony’s latest viral music video, “I want to Go Home” here.
But if you think we can get our country back, I have another story to tell you. We probably won’t! You see, this was all foretold again and again over two millennia ago and during the several millennia that preceded it. Not only is Western Civilization dying, here’s another related link, it’s a self inflicted wound! We love our sin. We got the leaders we deserved! Mystery Babylon is on the horizon and approaching swiftly. It won’t be long before totalitarian rule and persecution is the new normal and our overlords are drunk on the blood of the saints.
There’s only one way out of this mess. Think for yourselves, pray, repent, believe and obey God, not man. Don’t place all of your hope on escaping what is coming our way. What if all the Pre-tribulation Rapture “hopium” preachers are wrong? Instead, I think we’ll all be better served if we make ourselves ready to run this race to the finish and be found worthy of the prize. Endure to the end and be saved (Matthew 24:9-28).
Edited to add: Alex Jones posted this video Plan to Kill 90% of the Population Announced by Gates/Kerry (LINK) to his Rumble account just a few hours after I posted this: